Greetings to the Eye Residents

Warmer weather has arrived, and the HOA is busier than ever keeping parks, common property gardens, and the estate in general, in peak condition. Annual tree trimming started in Phase 1 and below the Deli area, and will extend throughout the estate.

As we begin preparing our spring gardens, it is important to note that many homeowners are currently overwatering which leads to water runoff onto roads and kerbs causing underlying damage to surfaces. The security team has been tasked by HOA to monitor this closely to avoid potential damage.

HOA Annual General Meeting

A reminder of the upcoming AGM on 12 September at 18h00. As set out in the AGM Notice dated 20 August 2024, this a virtual meeting and residents can participate from the comfort of their homes. The meeting link and an explanation of the process will be circulated via email a few days prior to the meeting. Residents are encouraged to participate in this important meeting.


Residents may recently have been on the receiving end of speeding penalty warnings from HOA. From the 1st September, penalties in accordance with the Estate Rules will be issued. Once again, we urge our residents to reduce speed in the estate and along Cayman Road.

Occupation Certificates

There has been an increase in homeowners moving into properties at the end of construction, or in some instances before the end of construction, without receiving a certified occupancy certificate from Midvaal Local Municipality. This is in contravention of the Estate Rules and will result in access to the estate being limited. Please contact HOA Building Control inspectors should you need guidance in this regard.

HOA Bus Service

HOA will be issuing bus cards to passengers travelling on the HOA buses. From 1st October, this free service will be restricted to stands where owners are in good standing with the HOA. Cards may be collected from the HOA Access Control office from today.

Warm regards

Gavin Steyl, Estate Manager



Access codes

APP users might have noticed the addition of a Golf/Restaurant Visitor link to the categories for creating access codes. This category can be used by any of our residents who will be receiving a visitor for a meeting or function at the respective restaurants. This access code will not allow a visitor through the internal booms into the residential areas.

Domestic Employees

The HOA is currently assessing access by domestic employees into the estate. The disregard of access protocols by driving domestic employees into the estate, without registration remains a concern. This action increases risk to the entire estate, as the possible ill-intention of unregistered, unvetted staff members cannot be more emphasised.

Registration protocols require all domestic employees to be registered with the HOA, even if a domestic employee is employed on a trial basis. The issue of access codes to domestic employees was made available for additional staff during times such as “spring cleaning” or the like.


One of the requirements as per rules and regulations remains the identification of pets. For HOA to ensure that lost pets can be returned to their families whenever found. Pets need to be fitted with a identification tag, and collar. Residents are encouraged to ensure that the stipulations within our rules and regulations are conformed with.

Security General

In the coming month, high-level tests of the perimeter defense systems will be conducted, which will include activation of sirens installed around the fence line. Residents will hear these devices emitting siren sounds from time to time.

The testing phase of our Drone is almost complete with ICASA certification received, and imminent approval from CAA as well. This marks a very long period of awaiting active patrols on our perimeter fence line, and areas around the estate as an additional measure to identify possible threats to the Estate. The drone will not be used over the estate, and patrols over the estate should only occur during times of active incidents. The drone flights will be limited to the perimeter.

Of the many good reasons for living in Eye of Africa, security remains the primary one. The continuing success of security does not only reside in the many facets around our current security infrastructure, but in the location of the estate, and the support in maintaining a safe environment by all who reside within. Our estate is bordered by open farmlands, many of which are unoccupied or derelict, with fence lines that are non-existent. The threat level we identify is multiplied by factors that are largely out of our control, but with the co-operation of our local community forums, this is managed. Crime on neighboring properties continues to occur, with careful monitoring and action from the HOA.

These factors however should be at the forefront of all residents in regard to access control breached by not registering contractors and domestic employees, bypassing the ability of the HOA to ensure that investigations can be adequately concluded at times of need.

Other items which influence the attention of security are the following:

  • Unsecured pets roaming the
  • Ill-regard of noise regulations (including that of excessive barking of dogs)
  • Speeding on estate roads
  • Rules in regard to contractors

We request that residents refrain from parking their private cars at the HOA visitors parking as this should remain open for daily visitors to the HOA and Sales Offices.

We welcome any input from our residents in addressing items of need, as well as ideas and views on estate security.

Warm regards

Rassie Erasmus, Risk Manager

Security Contact Details

General Contact Number 010 140 4396 │ Emergency Line 083 631 5599

Standby Line 079 401 9070 │ Reaction vehicle 1 060 369 7452 Reaction Vehicle 2 064 874 4372 │ Reaction Vehicle 3 079 544 1576

Duty Manager

Should any assistance for any resident, visitor, or contractor be required, kindly contact our Duty Manager: 079 582 2545

Site Manager

Our Site Manager for 24/7 Security can be contacted for any report about the actions of Security Staff, a need for assistance at your home or any problematic issue to be resolved.

Site Manager 064 874 4333

Risk Manager

Kindly contact Rassie for any additional information assistance required.

Warms Regards
Rassie Erasmus
Risk Manager