Angela Lotter: Office Administration Manager

Angela joined the HOA in August 2022. She assists the estate manager with administration and estate matters and ensures efficient running of the HOA office. Angela is the liaison person for resident queries.

Gavin Steyl: Estate Manager

Previously an HOA director, Gavin has 8 year’s experience with Eye of Africa Estate. He has vast experience in landscaping and brings a wealth of knowledge to his role. As a homeowner, Gavin is extremely passionate about the estate, nature and the environment. He has personally mapped the cycling and walking trails and has first-hand knowledge of every part of the estate property.

Glenn Murray: Financial Manager

Glenn joined the HOA in 2022 and comes from a finance background, predominantly in mining, manufacturing and FMCG organisations. He holds qualifications in Management Accounting and Corporate Governance. Glenn heads up the Finance department and plays a vital role in the financial management of the HOA.

Rassie Erasmus: Risk Management & Security

Rassie has been with the HOA for five years and heads up the Risk and Security portfolio. He was a member of the SA Police Services for many years and was involved in Sector and Community Policing for most of his career. His direct involvement in residential estates spans over nine years, and his vast experience in security, IT and networking, has assisted our estate to achieve success in safety on a large scale.

Rassie heads a team of very dedicated personnel, and we have a guarding contingency which complements the goals set by the HOA.

Neels Gericke: Contractors Manager

Neels joined the HOA in July 2017 as the security manager. With a security background spanning 37 years, Neels has seen the estate grow from only a few houses to where it is today. Neels handles all aspects of access control and enrolment of contractors, as well as assisting with Occupational Health and Safety.

Neil Gericke: Access Controller

Neil joined the HOA in 2019, and deals with access control and enrolment of contractors ie.  identification document verification, day passes and visitors codes verification. He reports to the Contractors Manager.

Adriaan Visser: Senior Technician

Adriaan has been with the HOA for two years, working closely with Rassie Erasmus. He is responsible for the design and installation of our well-functioning computer networks and cabling. Adriaan ensures that all cameras and systems on the estate gates, boom gates, scanners, etc. are in good working order at all times. His role is important to the safety of the estate and its residents.

Obakeng Modisa: Junior Technician

Obakeng Modisa has joined HOA as a Junior Technician. He assists with security and technical infrastructure for the estate.

Elizabeth Radebe: Creditors Clerk

Elizabeth, better known as Lizzie, joined the HOA in April 2022. Lizzie forms part of the Finance team, and deals with all creditors queries and payments for the HOA.

Sarie Pretorius: Resident Registration Officer

Sarie is employed by 24-7 Security, however she also performs duties on behalf of the HOA at the Residents Registration Office. Sarie deals with registration of new owners, tenants, domestic workers, gardeners, non-residents and RFID vehicle tags.

Annamarie Zeelie: Debtors Clerk

Annamarie joined the HOA in August 2024 as a Debtors Clerk in the Finance Department.

Linda Motha: Building Controller

Linda joined the HOA team in April 2022. He is part of a two-man Building Control team and liaises with home owners regarding plans and architectural guidelines. He can regularly be seen driving around the estate carrying out his duties.

Richard Simpson: Building Controller

Richard Simpson has joined the HOA as a building controller. Richard has vast experience on the estate, having previously worked in construction and will be a great asset to the team.

Celeste Visser: Building Control

Celeste Visser works with the HOA building control team. Celeste’s role is to handle plan submission and she deals with residents on all admin-related aspects of building control.

Christinah Mtembu: Security Administrator

Christinah assists with security administration and resident registration. She was born and raised in the area and started working for the HOA in 2019, planting grass on the golf course. She was then appointed as a cleaner and by 2018 had developed to the role of administrator. Christinah takes great pride in her work and she is a true example of our local talent.

Masood Moosa: Landscaping Manager

Masood Moosa joined HOA on 1 March 2023 to manage Landscaping. Masood will be supervising parks, landscaping and general maintenance of gardens.

Molefi Ngakane: Maintenance Manager

Molefi has a wealth of experience working on estates. He was previously employed at Dainfern Country Club, Jackal Creek, Palazo Hotel and GEMS before joining Eye of Africa Estate. Molefi manages the HOA maintenance team, who take care of our parks and communal areas.

Thabiso Kobela: Maintenance Department

Thabiso is part of the HOA Maintenance team who work hard to keep the estate parks, gardens, trails and communal areas neat and attractive.

John Masomo: Maintenance Department

John is part of the HOA Maintenance team who work hard to keep the estate parks, gardens, trails and communal areas neat and attractive.

Wisani Ngobeni: Security Department

Wisani has worked for the HOA for four years. He has experience in plumbing and assists with the multitude of maintenance issues a large estate like Eye of Africa presents.

Forster Mathedimosa: Security Department

Forster has worked for the HOA for four years. He is a logistics supervisor and also acts as a driver.

Nozameka Somtsewu: HOA Cleaner

Nozameka, also known as Eunika, joined the HOA in July 2022. Eunika ensures the offices are maintained and cleaned daily.

Michael Mthembu: Bus Driver

Michael has worked at the HOA for many years and is one of the Estate bus drivers. He is responsible for safely transporting staff who work on the estate to their workplaces.

Themba Nhlapo: Bus Driver

Themba is new to the HOA team and is one of the Estate bus drivers. He is responsible for safely transporting staff who work on the estate to their workplaces.

Luke Xego: Driver

Luke recently joined the HOA team as a driver and general assistant.

Michael Mosioa: Technical Department

Michael Mosioa – works in the Technical department at HOA, assisting the technicians with infrastructure maintenance

Thabiso Mokhethi: Maintenance Department

Thabiso Mokhethi has joined the HOA Maintenance team and will be assisting with estate maintenance.

Patrick Wanga: Maintenance Department

Patrick joined the HOA in May 2024 as a Truck Driver in the Maintenance Department

Ayanda Mazibuko: Maintenance Department

Ayanda joined the HOA in May 2024 as a General Worker in the Maintenance Department.

Petrus (Dumi) Nhlapo: Security Department

Dumi joined the HOA in February 2024 as a General Worker in the Security Department.